GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Ep 74 Scanxiety & blood tests ...

Ep 74 Scanxiety & blood tests ...

managing or coping, which are you ?

No wires
GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
A podcast empowering global communities affected by head and neck cancer & dedicated to reducing social isolation through curated resources.
Inspire and educate fellow patients, clinicians, and caregivers alike, paving the way to embrace an optimal food life journey during and after treatment.
Lived practical advice on achieving better patient care with food, eating & PEG transitioning. Ideas & online resources to create best food life outcomes for head & neck cancer patients.
Providing patient insight for interprofessional collaboration regarding commensality, food and communication.