This from someone I have never met. Yet she kept me going, because she cared.
I always thought she was so amazing to help and give me such heart felt feedback.
Iv’e not edited it. It seems better some how, as it is … Happy Anniversary to me.
I made it.
Yvonne you started this shit fight a year after me. . I defaulted and had to restart the time frame due to a mastitis to lung. So now I’m behind you by four months . What a journey that has defined our lives and strangely made it so much more embracing and rather doing things later we do them now!!!. You with your hiking me with my garden .
With the people you meet along the way. I love your humour , your determination to get all the information you have learnt to help others on the fundamentals of life , eating, to recovery which was extraordinary . Must admit you shamed me with your healthy and balanced eating. I was a slack arse and swung by macdonalds for a shake and a hash brown.
You inspired me to eat so much better . I was a foodie in the very best way , but I started loathing food with the energy that goes into surviving and weight gain was sometimes lacking , so their fore naughty. Then I watched your videos and you got me back on track.
Carry on the way you are and congratulations to you what a wonderful, inspirational milestone you’ve achieved. You did it !!!! Lots of love Yvonne .