GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Ep 60 Food communication with HNC patients.

Ep 60 Food communication with HNC patients.

The lived roadmap.

In episode 60 of the "Gag. eating with head & neck cancer" podcast, I discussed the challenges of communicating food to head and neck cancer patients. As someone who has personally undergone head and neck cancer treatment, I understand the difficulties that come with the process of transitioning from a peg tube to oral eating. In the episode, I emphasised the importance of resources, nutrition, and transitional foods for patients.

During my own journey, I created a program to document my experience and help others with the mental and physical challenges of transitioning from a peg tube to oral eating. I found that effective communication, emotional support, and understanding the patient's mental state during the process were crucial to success. I encourage healthcare professionals to consider individual dietary requirements and provide patients with necessary education to make their own meals at home.

In addition, I stressed the importance of emotional support throughout the process. Patients may feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or even scared during this transition, and it's important for healthcare professionals to understand and address these feelings. By providing patients with the necessary resources and support, we can help them feel more confident and comfortable with the process.

Overall, my experience has taught me that effective communication, emotional support, and understanding the patient's mental state are key to helping head and neck cancer patients transition from a peg tube to oral eating. By providing patients with the necessary resources and support, we can help them feel more confident and comfortable with the process. Starting your best food life starts early in the treatment process. How we communicate and the vocabulary used is so important.

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GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
A podcast empowering global communities affected by head and neck cancer & dedicated to reducing social isolation through curated resources.
Inspire and educate fellow patients, clinicians, and caregivers alike, paving the way to embrace an optimal food life journey during and after treatment.
Lived practical advice on achieving better patient care with food, eating & PEG transitioning. Ideas & online resources to create best food life outcomes for head & neck cancer patients.
Providing patient insight for interprofessional collaboration regarding commensality, food and communication.