GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Ep 63 Trismus

Ep 63 Trismus

The three finger salute.

Show Notes

3 fingers !

In this episode of "Gag”, I will be discussing my personal experience with trismus, a side effect of head and neck cancer treatment that causes difficulty in opening my mouth wide enough to eat.

I will share my journey of stretching and exercising my mouth to improve my mouth opening and discuss the pain and challenges associated with trismus.

It is important to persevere with the stretching exercises and maintain flexibility to continue with daily activities such as chewing and swallowing. I cannot stress enough the benefits of maintaining good mouth opening for dental appointments and hygiene.

In conclusion, Trismus is a challenging side effect of head and neck cancer treatment, but it's crucial to manage it properly. With perseverance and the right tools, it's possible to improve mouth opening and reduce pain. As someone who has gone through it, I can say that it's worth the effort.

If you or someone you know is going through cancer treatment, I encourage you to listen to this episode and learn more about managing Trismus. It's an important topic that deserves more attention.

Thank you for listening!

GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
A podcast empowering global communities affected by head and neck cancer & dedicated to reducing social isolation through curated resources.
Inspire and educate fellow patients, clinicians, and caregivers alike, paving the way to embrace an optimal food life journey during and after treatment.
Lived practical advice on achieving better patient care with food, eating & PEG transitioning. Ideas & online resources to create best food life outcomes for head & neck cancer patients.
Providing patient insight for interprofessional collaboration regarding commensality, food and communication.