I'm sorry to hear that something made you feel unworthy Yvonne. Just keep doing what you are doing and live your best life. You are an inspiration meeting the challenges you encounter and working them through. It is hard adjusting to our 'new normal' but you demonstrate that with grit and determination we can meet our goals. It is up to each of us to work out our own lives but a few hints along the way help. Lyn

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I’m on a commensality mission Lyn!

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Hi Yvonne. I had to look that one up as I had never heard of commensality but am now enlightened. The definition I found was 'the act of eating together' so hope that is what you are referring to. Eating together is so important as it is then that we share and bond with each other. I always flinch when I am out and people are eating together but not interacting but just looking at their phones. I always made a point when my kids were home to have the evening meal together sitting at the table and not in front of the T.V. That aside when you have an eating challenge after head and neck cancer eating together can become much more difficult. I continue to go out for meals with my family when they have celebrations so I am still part of things. I enjoy the conversation even though I can't eat anything normally. Recently had lunch with my 2 brothers and their wives and managed to eat icecream so that was a breakthrough. Lyn

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Lyn if you have a Linkedin Account you can get ( perhaps ) a better understanding of what I do https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonnemcclaren/

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