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GAG.| eating life

GAG.| eating life is a weekly newsletter about resilience, reinvention, and reclaiming life after challenges.


A monthly Q&A with my reported answers to your questions on navigating food and eating with a PEG tube or after HNC treatment. Please note that I am a writer, an entrepreneur and a human, not a healthcare provider. These answers are for informational and educational purposes only, and are not a substitute for individual medical or mental health advice. Send your questions to (or hit reply on any newsletter!).

Podcast GAG |

Bridging the communication gap between patients & the multidisciplinary teams associated with head & neck cancer eating.


Now is exactly that, my most up to date musings on my food life after head & neck cancer treatment. This is an intimate note pad for my most inner thoughts, what's going on & what I am planning out loud. It's often my creative pre sketch of a bigger piece of work. Often I just want to jot down an idea and I'll test it with you to see if it has legs. Or not.

No Feeding Tubes

A podcast that outlines how I transitioned off my PEG tube back to oral eating 60 Episodes