Hello there,
May I ask you for your expertise and help please?
If I was to create a short mini course around food for head and neck cancer treatment patients. What’s the one area you see as being the biggest problem?
I think social eating and travelling is an area that could be expanded to provide some skills, something like…. (this is me just jotting down initial thoughts and it’s my biggest pain point)
Course Overview
Practical tips, emotional resilience, and food choices while travelling.
Why Travelling Matters:
Discuss the importance of travel in reclaiming your life post-treatment.
Address the challenges of travelling with dysphagia.
Preparing for the Journey (30-45 minutes)
Pre-Trip Planning:
How to choose travel-friendly destinations that accommodate dysphagia.
Researching local cuisines, restaurants, and grocery stores for soft or liquid foods.
Packing Essentials:
A list of items to bring for easier eating, such as portable blenders, soft snacks, feeding syringes, or meal replacements.
Suggestions for hydration options (electrolyte packs, drinkable yogurts, etc.).
Communicating Your Needs:
How to explain your condition to airline staff, hotel personnel, and restaurants.
Downloadable scripts for different situations (e.g., ordering at restaurants, discussing with flight attendants).
Road trips
Cultural Differences
You get the idea as to how I might map out a mini course using the areas noted above.
Thank you for your input - I just want to give these specific problems some thought and if you have other comments please provide them below.
Is the time for a mini course about right? 1-3 hours ? Other “problems” that I have not mentioned here ?
Eat Well.
Happy to offer my tips but they aren't about swallowing ...mine are about acceptance of what is .. which I've learned a lot about BUT also accepting that maybe I can be more adventurous in eating outside my home. Very early days on this but If I am to stay away from home just for a night (I did in a large Sydney hotel in May) I couldn't bring myself to order from room service because of cost & portion. I am needing to re think this. Your work in this is exemplary. Mine is about growing self confidence to give new things a go. Mouth internal size & lips which do not meet are my challenges eating in public but I know how to allow for it. Serviettes & taking my time!