Happy to offer my tips but they aren't about swallowing ...mine are about acceptance of what is .. which I've learned a lot about BUT also accepting that maybe I can be more adventurous in eating outside my home. Very early days on this but If I am to stay away from home just for a night (I did in a large Sydney hotel in May) I couldn't bring myself to order from room service because of cost & portion. I am needing to re think this. Your work in this is exemplary. Mine is about growing self confidence to give new things a go. Mouth internal size & lips which do not meet are my challenges eating in public but I know how to allow for it. Serviettes & taking my time!
I still have to do a lot of mental work around food because I MISS some meals but I can do something that resembles those meal memories but as you & I both know, unless we are making it for ourselves no-one else will! As the mum/wife/grandma I've been meal maker & providor ... happy to do that but when I comes to me ..I've had to lift my game emotionally & make me find foods I can prepare & eat well. It's been quite a big deal but I have learned that if I don't work on it I end up feeling less than satisfied & hungry!
I wonder if you made a list of all your favourite foods- no judgement but just list them regardless of ease of eating etc- and maybe some of them can be modified to restaurant / Michelin standard??? I’d love to see that as an option or opportunity
Happy to offer my tips but they aren't about swallowing ...mine are about acceptance of what is .. which I've learned a lot about BUT also accepting that maybe I can be more adventurous in eating outside my home. Very early days on this but If I am to stay away from home just for a night (I did in a large Sydney hotel in May) I couldn't bring myself to order from room service because of cost & portion. I am needing to re think this. Your work in this is exemplary. Mine is about growing self confidence to give new things a go. Mouth internal size & lips which do not meet are my challenges eating in public but I know how to allow for it. Serviettes & taking my time!
I feel motivation and encouraging people to try new things might be pertinent- thanks Denyse all good points.
I still have to do a lot of mental work around food because I MISS some meals but I can do something that resembles those meal memories but as you & I both know, unless we are making it for ourselves no-one else will! As the mum/wife/grandma I've been meal maker & providor ... happy to do that but when I comes to me ..I've had to lift my game emotionally & make me find foods I can prepare & eat well. It's been quite a big deal but I have learned that if I don't work on it I end up feeling less than satisfied & hungry!
I wonder if you made a list of all your favourite foods- no judgement but just list them regardless of ease of eating etc- and maybe some of them can be modified to restaurant / Michelin standard??? I’d love to see that as an option or opportunity
Interesting! I'm a relatively simple eater (age & gut reasons) but I miss chomping into a well made burger!! And my mum's cooking! I know..