
Training for food confidence with dysphagia after HNC treatment.

Camino Frances 880kms across the Pyrenees and Spain.

For those of you who have been here with me for a while, know that I hike, and when I say hike, I mean hundreds of kilometres. It saved my sanity, my life whilst healing from Stage 4 Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

This will be my third hike in Europe in as many years. This will be the longest one yet.

The Camino Frances which will test my food confidence and my early ORN just enough to make it really annoying.

I have a fundraiser with Head and Neck Cancer Australia so If you can afford to, please consider donating which will motivate me to continue to train and bring you updates.

I’ll be honest I am still working out how I am going to record this trip but if you feel as though you want to know more about my hiking life - I have a You Tube channel which I created to document my hikes for my personal record and enjoyment.

Copy eat and travel write

Other hikes about food confidence can be found here and living in Vietnam when it all went horribly wrong here

or my first Camino Portuguese here

I plan on writing and sketching this hike in memory of my artist mother, Moira McClaren.

I am taking her sketching pencils so that a little bit of her comes with me, mum loved Spain and she and dad never had a chance to go back so I am making up lost time and opportunities.

More to follow.

Eat Well.
