
Welcome to GAG.| eating life

A recipe for hope.

If cancer gave me anything it was a hot cup of tea and a good talking to.

I wanted to read stories from people who had a clue.

I wanted to get some sort of idea about what it was I was going through and what others had experienced.

I didn’t want to get unsolicited advice from a thousand people on social media about the dodgy looking ulcer on their tongue.

Not helpful, none of it.

…and so GAG.| eating life was born.

This is a documented life journal told in story format of my setbacks and comebacks after surviving head and neck cancer.

Now I am a writer and international hiker.

A story teller and still, after everything, a foodie at heart.

May it give you inspiration and clarity.

May it be your beacon of mirth when those dark days come.

Eat Well.