GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Ep 67 Practicing your Speech.

Ep 67 Practicing your Speech.

In this episode of the "Gag: Eating with Head and Neck Cancer" podcast. Today, I want to delve into the importance of practicing speech and share my personal journey with speech therapy.

Here’s my recorded bathroom practice that I refer to in the episode.

During my cancer treatment, I found myself facing the daunting task of relearning how to speak, breathe, and eat. It was a challenging and frustrating process, but I was determined to regain my abilities. One technique that proved to be incredibly helpful was filming myself as I spoke and enunciated words.

I vividly remember setting up my camera in the bathroom, feeling a bit self-conscious at first. However, I quickly realised the immense value of this practice. By watching the recordings, I was able to identify areas where my speech was unclear or where I struggled with pronunciation. It allowed me to pinpoint specific sounds or words that needed improvement.

Filming myself became a regular part of my routine, and creating these podcasts and filming myself for my YouTube channel would mean spending hours analyzing the recordings, making notes, and practicing specific sounds.

This practice not only helped me improve my speech, but it also boosted my confidence. Seeing tangible progress through the videos was incredibly motivating. It gave me the reassurance that I was on the right track and that my efforts were paying off.

I want to emphasize that this technique may not work for everyone, but it was a game-changer for me. It allowed me to take control of my own recovery and actively engage in the process of regaining my speech abilities. So, if you're facing similar challenges, don't be afraid to explore different methods and find what works best for you.

Thank you for joining me on this episode of "Gag: Eating with Head and Neck Cancer." Remember, you are not alone in your journey.

Eat well

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GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Unearthing the social impact of head & neck cancer & how to live your best food life with or without cutlery. Honest, lived experience on how to stay positive, stay connected when you are struggling to sit at the table.