GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Ep16 Social Eating Checklist

Ep16 Social Eating Checklist

I created this e-book and SECL check list (Social Eating Check List) to help others:- 
A roadmap ( guide) to food & social eating after or during head & neck cancer treatment.
I developed this guide to help you ..

1.  Take control of your food journey - to be involved.
2.  To prioritise time when you have most energy
3.  Provide positive reinforcement that you are making  progress.
4.  Reduce mental overwhelm by reducing your need to think about all the  tasks you need to undertake to get back to your BEST food life.

You can download the FREE checklist above - EAT Well! 

Find out how to do all that and more here

GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Unearthing the social impact of head & neck cancer & how to live your best food life with or without cutlery. Honest, lived experience on how to stay positive, stay connected when you are struggling to sit at the table.