GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Ep 30 Portion Sizes & Time

Ep 30 Portion Sizes & Time

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Recognise the length of time it takes to eat anything - be prepared and tell others

  1. Portion sizes - how to explain to a restaurant, café, pub you can't  eat big portions and why ( yep get graphic) 

  2. Talking, eating & breathing - you just can't. It's almost impossible to try and have a focused conversation and eat and breathe at the same time. 

 Recognise that the parameters of your eating have changed and you must change with them. 

 No point in pretending they are not happening because they are. 

Meet them head on and be well armed to manage them 

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GAG.| eating life
GAG | eating life with head & neck cancer Ep 60 - 120
Unearthing the social impact of head & neck cancer & how to live your best food life with or without cutlery. Honest, lived experience on how to stay positive, stay connected when you are struggling to sit at the table.